"The Breck Foundation sessions were our highest scoring sessions, both for overall marks and in terms of giving people actionable advice"
- A global financial services
Breck Foundation corporate partner

Helping Young People Reclaim the Internet
“I learned from the Breck Foundation what the word grooming meant and what impact it can have on people who are affected by it.”
- Kai, age 11.
“I learned all the signs of grooming and I think it was very helpful as I can tell my friends outside of school about it and feel safer. It was scary but I know how to be aware of it now.”
Year 6 pupil.

By donating £5 a month you can protect a whole class of primary school children with online safety lessons
Please select the correct booking form for your proposed session
Schools booking form
Please use this booking form if you are a school of any type - please note there in space in the form to note down any special requests or extra information we might need to know about your school
Please access the school booking form here: Schools booking form
International Schools booking form
Please use this booking form if you are a school of any type - please note there in space in the form to note down any special requests or extra information we might need to know about your school
Please access the school booking form here: International school's booking form
Organisational booking form
Please use this booking form if you are a youth group, university, conference, fostering organisation, business or corporate group or any other organisation similar to the above.
Please access the organisational booking form here: Organisational booking form
For additional pricing, please contact Admin@BreckFoundation.org.
Please complete booking request as you may be eligible for our funded places.
If you do not feel like the session you are trying to book fits these categories please email bookings@breckfoundation.org
Parent from
Overton Grange
"I think absolutely every parent, school and child should attend this presentation"

Teacher from
Warden Park Academy
"Thank you again for coming in today. I have already had fantastic feedback from the Head of Year 7 who thinks you should come in to all years and rates it as "the best talk on this topic I have ever seen".

Parent from
St. Christopher's The Hall School
"The talk last night was really moving and a massive eye opener for a mum with two younger children who hasn’t really considered internet safety."