"The Breck Foundation sessions were our highest scoring sessions, both for overall marks and in terms of giving people actionable advice"
- A global financial services
Breck Foundation corporate partner

Helping Young People Reclaim the Internet
“I learned from the Breck Foundation what the word grooming meant and what impact it can have on people who are affected by it.”
- Kai, age 11.
“I learned all the signs of grooming and I think it was very helpful as I can tell my friends outside of school about it and feel safer. It was scary but I know how to be aware of it now.”
Year 6 pupil.

By donating £5 a month you can protect a whole class of primary school children with online safety lessons
What are the speaker sessions?
Using Breck's story, we deliver powerful, compelling online safety presentations to educate everyone on the dangers that children and young people face online from grooming, exploitation and abuse, as well as from exposure to inappropriate or harmful content.
Breck’s story is relatable, topical and moving, and has the power to reach people of all ages – and persuade them to act - in a way that traditional online safety talks do not. We constantly update and adapt the information we provide: an approach that is not highly specific, is one that is doomed to leave children and young people in danger as cybercriminals adapt their tactics.
Each session contains tools and signposts to help the audience understand how to spot the signs of grooming, how to stay safe in response to these signs, and how and to whom to report their concerns.

Q&A sessions are incorporated at the end of each presentation. We present the most up-to-date information through the emotional connection provided by a real-life story and, crucially, we provide information that is not currently featured in the school curriculum.
We deliver speaker sessions for schools, parents, corporate companies, police forces, community groups and more.
Who are the speaker sessions for?
We deliver educational sessions in schools for children from the age of 5 up to 18, but also for parents, teachers, governors and all school staff.
We believe that because everyone has eyes and ears, everyone needs to be aware of the signs of grooming so they can take action, such as reporting and preventing.
We focus our funded sessions on schools that fall inside the lowest brackets of the indices of multiple deprivation to make sure that all children have access to our life-saving education.
From Breck's story we know that even children not deemed 'vulnerable' are targets for predators. We believe that every single child is vulnerable to online abuse, which is why we work hard to reach as many as we possibly can.
Want to do more in your school on internet safety? Why not get involved in our long term education project RISE e2e?
Interested in what your students might ask our speakers?
Read real questions from school children with Breck's mothers responses.
Hear from primary school teacher, Richard Preston, about why he believes Breck Foundation speaker sessions are essential for every school and every parent.

We are BSA Certified Supplier
Organisations and companies
We visit organisations and companies (both in person and virtually) to deliver our lifesaving online talks and empower staff to be online safety heroes for the children and young people in their lives.
If your organisation signs up as a Corporate Breck Foundation Friend, you will receive access to a range of exclusive benefits and opportunities.
Although it was a very sad subject, our company’s staff were unanimous that it was a phenomenal presentation about cyberstalking and grooming.
A Breck Foundation Corporate Friend
a leading global provider of business information and analytics

Other organisations
We can deliver our powerful talk to any group or organisation. Please get in touch and we will work out how best to do so.
The types of groups we can work with include:

Scouts, Guides, Girls' Brigades and Boys' Brigades
Cadets (Air, Sea, Army)
Religious group (any religion)
After school club
Sporting groups
Community groups
any group with a focus on children and young people
We believe that everyone is a stakeholder in the lives of children, so we will deliver our talks to all groups of interested and concerned people.
Corporations and organisations with
online safety heroes
We have delivered our life-saving Breck's story session to so many amazing organisations

What size audience can you accommodate?Schools: We prefer to talk to a maximum of two year groups at a time. This is because our presentations are very specifically targeted to different age groups. Generally, we talk to years 1 and 2 together, then 3 and 4; and 5 and 6. Secondary groupings are similar. The number of pupils of course varies with each setting, but generally, anything over 150 pupils becomes harder to give an in-depth presentation to. Non-school sessions: We are incredibly flexible with our speaker sessions and are happy to deliver to a group of any size. Please do note that the smaller the group size the more opportunity for interaction and personal engagement which does lead to deeper impact and learning. We are more than happy to talk to you about your specific requirements.
What's included in the presentation?This is age-dependent but includes a talk with a Powerpoint presentation and age-appropriate video clips. Time for Q&A is allowed during the presentation and at the end. Please find more information about what's included on this page.
Do you deliver virtual sessions?We are able to offer all our talks via Zoom, Teams or Google Classroom. These can be delivered to the main hall with pupils watching a screen, or to screens within a range of classrooms at the same time. We are eager to work with more schools to deliver via Zoom so please do contact us to discuss your needs.