"The Breck Foundation sessions were our highest scoring sessions, both for overall marks and in terms of giving people actionable advice"
- A global financial services
Breck Foundation corporate partner

Helping Young People Reclaim the Internet
“I learned from the Breck Foundation what the word grooming meant and what impact it can have on people who are affected by it.”
- Kai, age 11.
“I learned all the signs of grooming and I think it was very helpful as I can tell my friends outside of school about it and feel safer. It was scary but I know how to be aware of it now.”
Year 6 pupil.

By donating £5 a month you can protect a whole class of primary school children with online safety lessons

Fundraise with us
All Breck Foundation fundraising happens through our Enthuse page, please email events@breckfoundation.org if you need help setting up a fundraising page.
What size audience can you accommodate?Schools: We prefer to talk to a maximum of two year groups at a time. This is because our presentations are very specifically targeted to different age groups. Generally, we talk to years 1 and 2 together, then 3 and 4; and 5 and 6. Secondary groupings are similar. The number of pupils of course varies with each setting, but generally, anything over 150 pupils becomes harder to give an in-depth presentation to. Non-school sessions: We are incredibly flexible with our speaker sessions and are happy to deliver to a group of any size. Please do note that the smaller the group size the more opportunity for interaction and personal engagement which does lead to deeper impact and learning. We are more than happy to talk to you about your specific requirements.
What's included in the presentation?This is age-dependent but includes a talk with a Powerpoint presentation and age-appropriate video clips. Time for Q&A is allowed during the presentation and at the end. Please find more information about what's included on this page.
Do you deliver virtual sessions?We are able to offer all our talks via Zoom, Teams or Google Classroom. These can be delivered to the main hall with pupils watching a screen, or to screens within a range of classrooms at the same time. We are eager to work with more schools to deliver via Zoom so please do contact us to discuss your needs.
Charity Events

Fundraise your way
You don't have to do the runs and cycles that we have charity spaces for, you can sign up for any run, swim, cycle or hike challenge you like and raise money! Make sure to let us know so we can send you a t-shirt and help you with your fundraising page.
All fundraising is conducted through our Enthuse page.
Don't feel you have to push yourself to extreme physical limits to fundraise, there are so many ways you could help support our work:
Bake sale & coffee morning
Dinner party
Bungee jump
Sky dive
Car wash
Just go to our Enthuse page (or email events@breckfoundation.or) and make your own fundraising event. We'll support you with whatever you need!